
Steam russia account transfer

크위스 2020. 12. 29.

Hello, today I would like to introduce you to the Russian ambassador for Steam Nation Change. In the past, it was very easy to change the country, but recently the way it was changed has made it impossible to do it in the past. Today, we're going to have a time to introduce a place that does this kind of national change.

I will introduce company Steampay
Recently popular games in the steam, you can buy at a reduced price.
Discord :  Steampay#5009


In the case of Cyberpunk 2077 which is popular recently, many people say that it is expensive to buy at a regular price, and these people usually buy by-pass or individual purchases at a discounted price. Current Steam Pay will change the country We are helping you to purchase at a low price through this.

Also, as of December 22, the Steam Winter Discount season has begun, so if you have a game you want to buy, you can buy it at a more discounted price. Looking at the games that are on sale this time, there are many games such as Raft and GTA5 that you can enjoy with multiplayer.

Various games are on sale, so if you want to change the store or play various games,
If you want to buy at a discount, why don't you try Steam Pay? Russia to change its steam country to this point
Change time is five minutes!




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